Give more than just a present this holiday season. Give a priceless experience – give the gift of dance!

GIVE THE GIFT OF DANCE PACKAGES - Call or Stop By to Purchase
PKG 1 - $50.00 Includes 1 Month of Dance Classes, Fusion Bow plus Registration Fee (Save $25.00)
PKG 2 - $75.00
Includes 1 Month of Dance Classes, Fusion Bow, Leotard & Tights plus Registration Fee (Save $45.00)
PKG 3 $125.00
Includes 1 Month of Dance Classes, Fusion Bow, Leotard, Tights, Ballet & Tap Shoes plus Registration Fee (Save $55.00)
PKG 4 $250.00
Includes 1 Month of Dance Classes, Fusion Bow, Leotard, Tights, Ballet & Tap Shoes, Recital Costume, Recital Video & Recital T-shirt plus Registration Fee (Save $75.00)
PKG 5 $500.00
Includes 6 Months of Dance Classes, Fusion Bow, Leotard, Tights, Ballet & Tap Shoes, Recital Costume, Recital Video & Recital T-shirt plus Registration Fee (Save $100.00) *All packages are presented in a beautifully wrapped box with items included in package.